Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week one down...7 to go

Well, we have completed a whole week. It was a pretty awesome week. We met the most awesome little boy and have enjoyed our first week in Ecuador. We know there will be some bumps during this trip but it was nice to have a great first week. Today we visited Old Town Quito. Plaza Grande is the center of Old Town Quito and is surrounded by the Presidential Palace and several beautiful old churches. Mass was going on in the churches so we only could peak in and was not able to take any photos but they were beautiful!! On Sunday's the streets in Old Town Quito are shut down and the community comes and enjoys the day. There are lots of street vendors, artists, food, music and entertainment. It was a lot of fun. Oh, and Winnie the Pooh was visiting Quito too! We have done a lot of walking the past two days of which Danni has walked most of too. So we were not in the taxi but 5 minutes and he was passed out! We got home just in time as a storm rolled in over the mountains. It seems it is always sunny and pleasant in the mornings and the rain tends to come in the late afternoon or evening. one for school for Emma. Everyone will be off to bed early tongiht! Oh yeah, Danni wore his new shoes today...for 5 minutes in the house. Maybe tomorrow we will make it out of the house but I better carry the old ones with just in case!! Hasta manana! Mari