Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rain, pajamas and movies!

Today it rained ALL day. I did get Emma and Danni dressed and we ran to Megamaxi. Once we were back home Emma decided that since it was so rainy and dreary out that she wanted her pajamas back on. Monkey see monkey do.....Danni had to put his pajamas back on too. He did ask and was a bit concerned at first. "No dormir" (which means sleep) he kept saying - he wanted the pajamas on but not to go to bed! Then several times he would come to me and tell me it was okay to not wear clothes but be in pajamas! It was pretty cute!!

Finally around 4 PM the rain ended and the sun peaked out. Hayden and I wanted to go for a walk. Danni likes to walk and does not complain....we all know what Emma does when we have to walk! So we have to bribe her to go out - she could get some new movies if she came for a walk. There are little movie stores here that sell DVD copies for real cheap!! There is a store on our block that Hayden and Emma have become regular customers but Emma is running out of kid movies there so she saw another store about a mile away. So with promise of new movies we headed out. Tonight she put her first choice didn't work at all. Second choice was not a copy of a DVD but someone sitting in a movie theatre recording the movie as it played! It was shaky and a head popped up! It was Justin Beiber too! It was hilarious to see how upset she got! We had already explained to her about the possibility of getting movies like these..we paid $1.50 so what do you expect!! Her 3rd movie did work just fine so she isn't as upset any more but she definitely isn't going back to that store! She went on and on complaining about it. The one on the block here has much better quality and he says that he "guarantees" they are good!! Hayden also got him and I three movies so it will be interesting to see if they are ok!! Oh well - it was a fun adventure for Emma to share!!

My sister and her hubby are so awesome - they were able to get a couple of movies on YouTube for me. Enjoy!!

I know you have heard this before but I really love the clouds and the mountains here. I truly could sit and watch them all day. Today no pictures of the kids but the view as the rain clouds were leaving was just awesome.

Have a great night!
