Saturday, April 2, 2011

Parque La Carolina

We had a really fun day at the biggest park in all of Ecuador today. It is truly HUGE with so much going on from rides, music, food, horses, botanical garden, and an airplane you can play in --- it is endless! We spent 4 hours there.....and my camera ran out of batteries, so not alot of pics today. Sorry! Danni and Emma even rode horses. It was so cool! Maybe next time I will check the camera before we leave!! Danni is settling in well. He was up at 4:00 a.m. calling for Mami. Hayden and I let him sleep in our bed and he went back to sleep almost immediately. He is happy and healthy. Also as we recap the week thought to mention that Danni has never traveled except by taxi. You have to see to believe his skills in calling one. Hayden and I were rolling :) Here is this little guy yelling "TAXI" and waving his arm!! Many adoptive parents have described to us the nightmare of going home by airplane. We have a feeling this will be a non- issue for us as Danni simply love airplanes. Birds too. Hayden would like us to buy some bird that lives 80 years for him. Not going to happen. Emma also continues to do very well though I suspect she is not looking forward to Monday when Hayden takes up being her teacher. They do well together at this , and although an adjustment we are confident she will not be behind when she starts as a 5th grader this fall. We also had some delicious empanada's for dinner tonight!! They were awesome but also fried so that cannot be a staple - only a treat now and then. Buneos noches! Mari