Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good news...bad news (not really!)

The bad news...Hayden beat me bad last night in scrabble! The stars must of been aligned just right to shine on him! Good news....we played a pre-dinner game and I am back as the winner!!!! Oh yeah!!

Today was a quiet day. We woke up to cloudy skies and a bit cooler. We did play outside a bit and enjoyed some fresh air. Emma remembered that we brought side walk chalk. It was a big hit with Danni. He is also quite good at kicking the ball. The janitor came out and scooped the doggie dodo for us too. :) So we had lots of room to play! Of course, my battery was dead on the camera!! I cant believe I did that twice now. We have noticed that battery life here is much shorter than home. Must be an altitude thing. Anyway, next time you can see the chalk artistry of Emma and Danni!! :) Other than that we didn't do anything special. We played and did work on our English/Spanish homework for an hour. Emma of course watched TV and Danni played with the iPod a bit too.

We do have some good news to share but I hate to jinx it....the last two nights Danni has slept through the night!! He is going to bed with Emma around 8:30 PM and they are both sleeping 11 to 12 hours. To me that means he is feeling safe and loved here. Lets just hope this keeps up!

At the dinner table tonight Emma started to sing a Justin Beiber song and guess who started to repeat it! We of course all laughed so he kept signing it. If he only knew who Justin was!! He is very popular here - you can buy his poster in the park even!! Same with Miley Circus - she is coming here in concert. Crazy kids!!

Emma and Danni watch a movie every night before bed. They are always so into it. I took the above picture and neither of them even blinked!! Not much else. We need to get out of the house tomorrow. I hope it is nice. Not sure what we will do...maybe the park. Later! Mari